Public input was also considered in the Board’s decision. At the Spring Water Symposium hosted by Northern Water on April 2, a plurality of respondents indicated a preference for a 70 percent quota.
The Board has been setting C-BT quota since 1957 and 70 percent is the most-common quota declared. It was also the quota set for the 2023 water delivery season. In 2022, the final quota was 80 percent. Quotas are expressed as a percentage of 310,000 acre-feet, the amount of water the C-BT Project was initially envisioned to deliver to project allottees each year. A 70 percent quota means that the Board is making 0.70 acre-feet of water available this year for each C-BT Project unit, or collectively, 217,000 acre-feet.
The quota increases available C-BT Project water supplies by 62,000 acre-feet from the initial 50 percent quota made available in November 2023. Water from the C-BT Project supplements other sources for 33 cities and towns, 120 agricultural irrigation companies, various industries and other water users within Northern Water’s 1.6 million-acre service area. According to recent census figures, more than 1 million residents now live inside Northern Water’s boundary. Visit our website to learn more about Northern Water and the C-BT quota.