May 3, 2024

Northern Water Crews Inspect Carter Lake Outlet Works

An important inspection of Colorado-Big Thompson Project took place this spring with the help of specialized scuba divers and experts from Northern Water and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.

Northern Water Distributions Systems Department staff members worked with Marine Diving Solutions to install the bulkhead at the Carter Lake outlet structure on March 21. Once the bulkhead was in place, crews from Northern Water and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation verified the seal of the temporarily placed bulkhead, inspected the outlet works upstream of the guard gates, and performed operational testing of the guard gates and operating gates.

Following inspections, crews performed routine concrete repairs within the outlet works and minor resurfacing of the steel gates with epoxy.  

The bulkhead placement and inspection of the outlet works upstream of the guard gates is performed every 10 years. This year’s inspection shows that the structure is in good operating condition. Inspection of the outlet works downstream of the guard gates is performed annually.

Crews inspect Carter Lake outlet works
Crews work to install a bulkhead at Carter Lake before an inspection.