May 23, 2022

Colorado River Connectivity Channel Clears Federal Hurdle

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has released a Finding of No Significant Impact drawn from its Environmental Assessment of the Colorado River Connectivity Channel. The decision paves the way for construction to begin on the project to reconnect the Colorado River through a restored channel around Windy Gap Reservoir in Grand County. 

The $30 million project, proposed by the Municipal Subdistrict, Trout Unlimited, Grand County and the Upper Colorado River Alliance, will build a natural river channel around Windy Gap Reservoir for the purpose of improving aquatic habitat in the Fraser and Colorado rivers. The project is expected to reopen the Colorado River to fish passage and improve habitat and water quality in downstream reaches.  

“The Colorado River Connectivity Channel is an example of the positive outcomes that can occur when diverse groups come to the table to meet the challenges of delivering a reliable water supply to Colorado residents, all while addressing important habitat in the Colorado River,” said Northern Water General Manager Brad Wind. 

Colorado River Connectivity Channel deisign drawing.