May 10, 2023

Chimney Hollow Construction Provides Economic Benefit

Last month, Chimney Hollow Reservoir construction hit a major milestone: 1 million labor hours recorded at the site. 

That milestone reflects the continuing progress being made at Chimney Hollow Reservoir to bring the project to completion in 2025, but it also highlights another indirect benefit of construction: the economic impact the project will have on the region during construction and beyond. 

The 12 participants in the project are paying the contractor, Barnard Construction Co. Inc. of Bozeman, Montana, more than $500 million for construction of the dam. In addition, construction managers, dam designers and independent engineers are fulfilling many tasks at the site to ensure the dam is built to state-approved specifications. 

For each of those tasks, the time and wages have added up. According to research conducted as part of a similar dam construction project in the region, the salaries of those who work on the project are multiplied several times across the community. For those workers who have temporarily moved to Northern Colorado for the project, salaries have gone toward lodging, meals and other necessities for temporary stays. For the many subcontractors who already live in the area, salaries will be part of their daily living expenses for them and their families. 

View looking south toward downstream tunnel entrance and main dam.