April 28, 2022

Spotlight: Environmental Project Leads

Sean Henry, Environmental Planning Manager, Northern Water  

Keeping this project in environmental compliance is Sean Henry, the Environmental Planning Manager for Northern Water. Henry has a bachelor’s degree in geography with an emphasis in environmental analysis from California State University Fullerton. He joined Northern Water two years ago. In his role, Henry is responsible for environmental regulations such as the National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, Bald and Gold Eagle Protection Act, National Historic Preservation Act, and other federal, state and local environmental regulations. He also helps to drive the project’s environmental stewardship effort, which involves creating and implementing environmental impact avoidance, impact minimization and enhancement measures beyond minimum requirements.   

“I am fascinated by natural and cultural resources, and am passionate about pragmatic stewardship of these resources,” Henry said. “As a resident of Berthoud, I am proud to help bring Chimney Hollow Reservoir and the Chimney Hollow Open Space to fruition for local residents. Learning from our engineering team and witnessing the scale of construction is intriguing.”  

Profile photo of Sean Henry, Northern Water, and Cassie Funke, Barnard.
Sean Henry, Environmental Planning Manager, Northern Water and Cassie Funke, Environmental Compliance Representative, Barnard.
Cassie Funke, Environmental Compliance Representative, Barnard

Cassie Funke has been serving as Barnard’s Environmental Compliance Representative for Chimney Hollow since February 2021. In her role she oversees a variety of environmental pieces of the Chimney Hollow Reservoir Project, including planning and schedule wildlife and reclamation work. This task includes weekly raptor monitoring and reporting, monthly noxious weed surveys and sprays, and planning and executing revegetation work. Funke also oversees the stormwater management plans water permitting, which includes coordinating weekly water samples and testing. Through her coordination with the on-site Paleontological and Cultural Resources subcontractor, she monitors work due to areas of sensitivity. She also compiles noise monitoring reports, as well as documentation and compliance of air permits. Air monitoring is an important environmental aspect of the project to ensure compliance and track production data.  

“Chimney is one of those projects that a lot of people want the opportunity to be on,” she said. “It’s a project that impacts and can better a lot of lives.”