Cassie Funke, Environmental Compliance Representative, Barnard
Cassie Funke has been serving as Barnard’s Environmental Compliance Representative for Chimney Hollow since February 2021. In her role she oversees a variety of environmental pieces of the Chimney Hollow Reservoir Project, including planning and schedule wildlife and reclamation work. This task includes weekly raptor monitoring and reporting, monthly noxious weed surveys and sprays, and planning and executing revegetation work. Funke also oversees the stormwater management plans water permitting, which includes coordinating weekly water samples and testing. Through her coordination with the on-site Paleontological and Cultural Resources subcontractor, she monitors work due to areas of sensitivity. She also compiles noise monitoring reports, as well as documentation and compliance of air permits. Air monitoring is an important environmental aspect of the project to ensure compliance and track production data.
“Chimney is one of those projects that a lot of people want the opportunity to be on,” she said. “It’s a project that impacts and can better a lot of lives.”