Planning for Efficiency

Water Use Efficiency Planning

The Water Conservation Act of 2004 requires that retail water providers that sell more than 2,000 acre-feet of water annually have a state approved water use efficiency plan. The links below provide helpful information for those writing or revising a plan.

Plan Database

Search and browse approved water use efficiency plans.

Writing Guide

Step-by-step guide to water efficiency planning and writing your own water use efficiency plan.  

Best Practices Guide

Examples of effective conservation measures and programs to inspire and enhance municipal water efficiency plans.

In order to effectively mitigate drought related impacts, Colorado water providers must plan for drought.

Drought Management Planning

The following links provide helpful resources for drought contingency planning.    

NIDIS Link Library

The National Integrated Drought Information System coordinates drought monitoring, forecasting and planning. This site contains a list of links with drought resources specific to water providers.  

Colorado Drought Assistance

The Colorado Water Conservation Board provides a Municipal Drought Management Plan guidance document and accompanying worksheets to assist municipal water providers and local governments in developing local-specific drought management plans.

Colorado Drought Plan

The Colorado Drought Mitigation and Response Plan was drafted by the Colorado Water Conservation Board in 2018 and outlines a mechanism for drought monitoring, impact assessment, response and mitigation.