May 2, 2024
Northern Integrated Supply Project Moves Forward
Important design work continues to occur for the Northern Integrated Supply Project, attendees of the 2024 Spring Water Symposium were told earlier this month.
A panel led by General Manager Brad Wind and included Project Management Department Manager Carl Brouwer, Environmental Services Division Director Esther Vincent and legal counsel Lisa Thompson discussed the continuing work on the project during the Symposium, hosted April 2 at the Embassy Suites in Loveland.
In addition to the design work occurring for Glade Reservoir, teams are working toward final design of the rerouted U.S. Highway 287 near the reservoir and the water conveyance pipelines that will bring high-quality water to the 15 communities and water providers that are participating in the project.
Environmental commitments associated with the January 2023 Record of Decision also are being implemented, with current work focusing on establishing data for the project and governance structures for future adaptive management efforts.
For more information about the project, visit