March 6, 2012

Southern Colorado’s Action 22 Joins Long List of NISP Supporters

Action 22, the largest advocacy organization in Southern Colorado, has joined its counterparts in the state to support the Northern Integrated Supply Project. The Action 22 Board of Directors approved the endorsement at its Feb. 28, 2012 meeting.

“Action 22 is on record encouraging and supporting expansion and/or creation of water storage facilities,” said Kim Schultz, chair of the Action 22 Board of Directors. “It is responsible management to save during wet years to provide water needed when drought affects us.”

Action 22 is an organization representing individuals, cities, counties, associations, businesses and organizations throughout a 22-county service area in Southern and Southeastern Colorado. It promotes economic development and tourism, supports agriculture and the wise development of Colorado’s water supplies, and helps shape policy for a region that makes up 20 percent of the state’s population.

Action 22 support logo

“We appreciate the Action 22 endorsement as it supports a project which has the principal aim to find a responsible way to develop East Slope water projects without drying up farms, while also serving the growing needs of our communities and businesses,” said Kathy Peterson, chair of the NISP Participants Committee.

With Action 22’s support, NISP now has support from all of Colorado’s regional advocacy groups, including Progressive 15 and Club 20. Progressive 15 serves as the voice for Northeastern Colorado while Club 20 has represented West Slope interests since 1953.

The Action 22 endorsement brings the total formal endorsements for NISP to more than 110 organizations, businesses, elected officials and other interests.