
Board of Directors signing the NISP 404 permit in Jan 2023

Northern Water Board Accepts Permit for NISP

At its Jan. 5, 2023, meeting, the Northern Water Board of Directors unanimously voted to accept the Section 404 Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build NISP.

Northern Integrated Supply Project Achieves Major Milestone from Federal Agency

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has issued a federal Clean Water Act Section 404 Record of Decision for the Northern Integrated Supply Project.

Northern Water employee talking to residents at community event

Community Outreach Events Bring NISP to the Public

Northern Water staff members have participated in several public events this summer to bring the conversations about the NISP and water policy to community members up and down the Front Range.

purple coneflower in foreground of Fort Collins HOA grant site

Northern Water Awarding $180,000 in Additional Grants for Water-Efficient Landscape Projects

Another round of water-efficient landscape renovations are underway across Northern Colorado, with the help of funding from Northern Water and the organization’s partnerships.

Glade GDA work

Geotechnical Design Assessments Begin at Glade Reservoir

Crews from Kiewit have begun rock and soil assessments at the Glade Reservoir dam site, north of Ted's Place on U.S. Highway 287.

rebar in the plinth at Chimney Hollow Reservoir

Northern Water Chosen as Engineering News Record's Regional Owner of the Year

The Engineering News Record (ENR), one of the most widely read and influential publications in the industry, has selected Northern Water as its "Colorado/Wyoming/Dakotas Owner of the Year."

Former U.S. Sen. Hank Brown Recalls Efforts to Name Poudre River Wild and Scenic

The Cache la Poudre River is the only river that carries the official Wild and Scenic River designation in Colorado.

Watson Lake Fish Bypass on the Poudre River near Fort Collins, CO

Northern Water Supports Reauthorization of Cache la Poudre National Heritage Area

Northern Water has joined the Colorado congressional delegation and many other organizations to support the reauthorization of the Cache la Poudre National Heritage Area.

group of attendees at Northern Water Fall Symposium 2019

Save the Date: Spring Water Users Meeting Set for April 13

The Northern Water Spring Water Users Meeting has been set for 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. April 13 at the Embassy Suites Hotel Conference Center in Loveland.