Green Mountain Reservoir
Green Mountain Reservoir
Located on the Blue River approximately 12 miles southeast of Kremmling, Green Mountain Reservoir was built between 1938 and 1943. The reservoir, dam and power plant were the first Colorado-Big Thompson Project facilities constructed. The reservoir’s primary purpose is to compensate the West Slope for C-BT Project water diverted to the East Slope.
The Green Mountain Power Plant began producing electricity in May 1943. It is one of eight C-BT Project hydroelectric power plants, and one of only two on the West Slope. Located at the base of Green Mountain Dam, the 25.8-megawatt power plant cost $1.5 million to build.
Green Mountain Reservoir has a capacity of 154,645 acre-feet, 2,130 surface acres, 19 miles of shoreline and a maximum depth of 254 feet. The dam is 309 feet high.